Jenn Clark
2023 to present
Receive all monies paid or donated to the Association/Zone and deposit same in a recognized financial institution in the name of the Association
Make all payments and disbursements by cheque only, after each account has been passed for payment by the Executive Committee.
Keep a true and accurate account of all receipts and disbursements. Report monthly all receipts and payments and present a financial statement of the Association quarterly.
Bowling History
I have been bowling for over 40 years, starting my career at the age of 6 in Yorkton!
Numerous youth and adult Provincial medals (teams and singles); competed at 4 national tournaments.
Numerous cash tournament qualifications and cash winnings (team and singles)
S5PBA Treasurer for 5 years.
Previous R5PBA Executives positions: 1 year Entertainment and Trophies & 5 years Vice President
2016 Canadian Open Nationals Finance Chair
Regina Classic Tournament Treasurer for 13 years
Golden Mile Bowl YBC Treasurer for 4 years
Certified Level 2 Coach - Coaching youth and adults for over 30 years
Judge of play Technician
Personal History
I am married to Kevin and have a son and daughter who all participate in bowling
I am a Chartered Professional Accountant and am employed with the Saskatchewan Ministry of Finance
When I am not bowling, I enjoy a variety of crafts, gardening, golfing and spending time at our seasonal campsite near Regina Beach
Fun Fact
2023 to present
Receive all monies paid or donated to the Association/Zone and deposit same in a recognized financial institution in the name of the Association
Make all payments and disbursements by cheque only, after each account has been passed for payment by the Executive Committee.
Keep a true and accurate account of all receipts and disbursements. Report monthly all receipts and payments and present a financial statement of the Association quarterly.
Bowling History
I have been bowling for over 40 years, starting my career at the age of 6 in Yorkton!
Numerous youth and adult Provincial medals (teams and singles); competed at 4 national tournaments.
Numerous cash tournament qualifications and cash winnings (team and singles)
S5PBA Treasurer for 5 years.
Previous R5PBA Executives positions: 1 year Entertainment and Trophies & 5 years Vice President
2016 Canadian Open Nationals Finance Chair
Regina Classic Tournament Treasurer for 13 years
Golden Mile Bowl YBC Treasurer for 4 years
Certified Level 2 Coach - Coaching youth and adults for over 30 years
Judge of play Technician
Personal History
I am married to Kevin and have a son and daughter who all participate in bowling
I am a Chartered Professional Accountant and am employed with the Saskatchewan Ministry of Finance
When I am not bowling, I enjoy a variety of crafts, gardening, golfing and spending time at our seasonal campsite near Regina Beach
Fun Fact