Dave Shepherd
Past President
Be the Chairperson (if available or active) of the nominating committee.
Bowling History
R5 President, Vice President, Awards Chair and other positions on the executive for about 26 years.
R5PBA Life Member.
S5PBA 2nd and 1st VP for about 10 years.
President of the Bowling Federation for two years.
C5PBA 2nd VP for two years.
National Tournament Director for two years.
Coached/managed at all levels from zones to nationals and everything from YBC up to the Open.
Coached NS, PEI and Saskatchewan teams at national events including the Interprovincial and Open.
Have chaired and been part of 20 plus provincial and national tournament committees.
Instructed Level I for 17 years and was one of the first National Learning Facilitators for both Community Coach and Introduction to Competition.
Part of the National committee to design and create the Community Coach and Intro to Comp training programs.
Reviewed and rewrote the C5 Rule Book as part of the C5 executive.
Have instructed hundreds of coaches across the country.
Judge of Play clinician.
One of a handful of National Master Evaluators for coaching certification.
Coached all levels of YBC for 27 years.
Involved in the MBAS as a bowler for a few years and instructor for many.
I have been a bowler for 35 years as well.
Personal History
Married to Simone.
Two daughters in Alberta.
One stepson in Regina.
One granddaughter (age 12) and two grandsons (ages 1 and 15)
Retired carpenter and Federal Health and Safety Officer, currently with the City of Regina
Fun Fact
Got engaged ON the equator in 2014. I was on the South side, Simone was on the North.